Category Archives: DIY

My Blood Valentine: Greatest Love Stories in Rock and Roll

iggyanddebbiesubwayThey say you can’t be both and artist and muse. . .but I’ve scavanged the internet to find the Bonnie and Clyde couples of the music and art world Andy Warhol Lines Up A Shot for images to use in my new series of shirts: images of great couples who helped each other change music, art, fashion, and culture at large.  The photos speak for themselves: some of these stories have tragic endings, and some (Lux and Ivy of the Cramps are my favorite example) are still together and wicked and as talented as ever.  Who are your favorite examples of duos from the art, music, or history? Extra points for including photos!

If you’re curious about the end result, check out  johnandyoko2 lindaguns0x384 nickcavenandlydialunch patti-smith-by-judy-linn-41 sidandnancy2 sidandnancy3 thurstonandkim2punkcouple

All Night In the White Light Factory

Tips for working with Inner tube rubber:

you get it free from a local bike shop’s garage if you ask nicely.  Cut each tube open along a seam, cut into managable pieces, and soak in sudsy water. Scrub off the white powdery stuff inside, and if that’s still not black enough, use ink or a sharpie for extra gloss!

don’t use your best scissors

get a rotary cutter

check out pins/tutorials for leather and ribbon crafts: substitute!

hand-stitching = better than glue

It’s not about perfection


for leaves and feathers, the devil is in the detail. keep snipping until an organic form appears

for geometric shapes, use a ruler and chalk.

try black jewelry findings instead of silver or gold

unlimit you imagination: rubber garters? rubber corset? wonder-woman wristlets? stamped song lyrics on a belt or cuff? Please show us what you create!!

Feather and Pearls on Multistrand necklace, Homemade Cold Porcelain Pin. If anyone’s interested I’ll share the recipe!
Teacup for a Frog Sculpture and Golden Gun from keychain. . .
I’m going back to work on CrateDiggers, the never ending photoshoot. Watch my progress at!
cold porcelin pin
Cold Porcelain close up. You make this with glue, cornstarch, and essential oils!

feather bracelet and earrings feather detail bowpinfeatherlook out for my Vintage line: I’m going insane trying to get good photos with Plastic Lula, but it’ll be worth it. Visit us at