Category Archives: no wave

No New York: No Wave Girls


Digging through the back rooms of rock photography history often means slogging through self-aware ridiculously posed press-packet-ready photographs.  Why is it that the brief flicker that was Post Punk/No Wave in New York has such a disproportionate  number of the most amazing photographs?  The fashion is timeless because it’s not fashion at all: fashion is self aware and dictated by the tastes of others. I don’t know what you call this.  Amazing?

No Wave Ziggy: hotter than Bowie ever was. (sorry, thin white duke.)
Lydia Lunch: Teenage Jesus and The Jerks
Lydia Lunch: Teenage Jesus and The Jerks

postpunk “Statement Necklace”

Ziggy Stardust Lives. . .hotter than I remember, too.pparnov

David Arnoff’s photographs capture the stark heart of the sound that became no wave.

Anya Philips: There for everything that was anything in New York, and dressed to steal the scene.  That's creating something all by itself.
Anya Philips: There for everything that was anything in New York, and dressed to steal the scene. That’s creating something all by itself.
Debbie Harry shot by Chris Stein
Ida No of Glass Candy: Showing us that it’s all still new


My Blood Valentine: Greatest Love Stories in Rock and Roll

iggyanddebbiesubwayThey say you can’t be both and artist and muse. . .but I’ve scavanged the internet to find the Bonnie and Clyde couples of the music and art world Andy Warhol Lines Up A Shot for images to use in my new series of shirts: images of great couples who helped each other change music, art, fashion, and culture at large.  The photos speak for themselves: some of these stories have tragic endings, and some (Lux and Ivy of the Cramps are my favorite example) are still together and wicked and as talented as ever.  Who are your favorite examples of duos from the art, music, or history? Extra points for including photos!

If you’re curious about the end result, check out  johnandyoko2 lindaguns0x384 nickcavenandlydialunch patti-smith-by-judy-linn-41 sidandnancy2 sidandnancy3 thurstonandkim2punkcouple