All About Me

I call myself a maker: lately I make cloths for other girls and boys who love obscure music, want to share that, and still want to look like the beautiful knockouts they are. Translation: beautiful images from rock photography printed on fitted, soft shirts (also art prints, inner tube rubber jewelry and vintage)
I was raised in graduate school fiction and poetry workshops (literally: my immediate family members are all English professor and class was cheaper than daycare.) I rebelled by studying first dance (clumsy) then painting (mediocre,)then music (feels amazing to play my Strat at painfully high volume through a my Vox’s gauntlet of effects, but I think I’m better at loving music than making it.)I spent an awful lot of time working at itty bitty record stores, almost all out of business now. Whatever I am, it’s something mercurial and constantly in flux, still evolving from the primordial sludge of my consciousness.

Crate Digger: A person who enjoys spending hours on end digging through dusty crates of old vinyl and hoping to stumble on a recording of that song you’d almost forgotten, the song you most need to hear but didn’t know that you needed. Crate Diggers know that you don’t find treasures without hunting for them.

Some Things I like: Big Amplifiers, 108 Gram Vinyl, Silver Spray Paint, Andy Warhol, New York, difficult people, pharmacists, black kittens, big black hats, lace-up-shit-kicking-boots, live performances, mistakes, analog everything, hardware and art supply stores, lychee fruit.

Talk to Me:
540 818 6504
(customized dream-t-shirt requests always welcome)

One thought on “All About Me”

  1. I was once a very active Crate Digger (mostly at SF’s and Berkeley, CA’s Amoeba and Rasputin Records… I accumulated about a dozen crates of mostly late 70’s and ’80era post-punk/new wave/modern rock/early electronica… I’m so proud of my vinyl!!! – Gabriel


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chronicles of a Maker trying to turn my passion for music and repurposed art and design into a small business