The Silver Factory

andy-warhol-a-documentary-film-photo-alfred-statlerEver want something so badly you will it into being?  I want to work in a space like Andy Warhol’s notorious Silver Factory.  They called him Drella, half Cinderella, half Dracula, and that’s exactly who I wanted to be.  I wanted to work in a glamorous decay, sex and madness, silver and celluloid.  For a while I had it down: an open warehouse space with tinfoil and silver spray paint, the semi-famous someone asleep on the couch while I film a beautiful boy chucking throwing stars at the exposed beams. factory. . .well, you know what happend to Warhol. Does anyone else obsess over the Factory scene? Let me know and I can recomend some great reading for you.  And if anyone knows where to find a copy or a clip of Chelsea Girls I’ll make them a silver trophy! I didn’t ger shot but I did get away a bit worse for wear.  Now I am creating a copper and pink workshop in my tiny loft: I highly reccomend this free approach to a workshop, and I’ll show you how I did it in the next posting.


What I’ve Learned Today:

I will never be satisfied.

Never underestimate the power of a good photograph

No one creates in a vacum: look to others for fresh ideas to synthesize.

Cereal boxes covered in comics, gold paint, or pink bubble wrap make excellent free organizers.

Hang on to your treasured trash, but make labels for your supply shelf.

Using expensive supplies makes it easy to create beautifully, but the lack of identity and hard work shows; looks cheap.  Improvising leads t unexpected discoveries.

There are a lot of fabulous mod and goth dresses on etsy. I want to make them mine. . .someday

Danger is sexy,  but leave before you get too hurt to know how.

factory4 FactoryportraityFamily Portrait w/ Drella

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